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Sign In

Sign In Security in your Settings.”, ‘FACTOR_TYPE_SELECTOR_SMS’: ‘SMS text messages’, ‘NEW_PIN’: ‘New support PIN’, ‘ERROR_404’: ‘The page you requested does not exist.’, ‘FACTORS_PHONE_RECEIVE_METHOD’: ‘Choose a method to receive codes through your phone’, ‘REMOVE’: ‘Remove’, ‘CODE_FIELD_LABEL’: ‘Enter code’, ‘BACKUP_VERIFICATION_TOOLTIP_NEW’: ‘Adding one or more backup verification methods gives you a way in to your account if your default method fails. Backup methods do not add extra steps at verification.’, ‘CONTINUE’: ‘Continue’, ‘INVALID_PASSWORD’: ‘Invalid password’, ‘ACCOUNT_LOCKED’: ‘This account is locked. Please contact Customer Support.’, ‘OR_FORM_SEPARATOR’: ‘or’, ‘ON_YOUR_PHONE’: ‘On Your Phone’, ‘SOCIAL_TROUBLE_SIGNING_IN’: “Sorry, we’ve having trouble signing you in. {info}”, ‘MOBILE_NOT_BEGIN_OR_END_WITH_SPACE’: ‘Not start or end with a space’, ‘USE_BARCODE’: ‘Use a Barcode instead’, ‘DEFAULT’: ‘Default: ‘, ‘DEFAULT_LOWERCASE’: ‘default’, ‘SMS’: ‘SMS’, ‘VERIFY’: ‘Verify’, ‘ALREADY_HAVE_GD_ACCOUNT’: ‘Already have a GoDaddy account?’, ‘REMEMBER_ME_NEW’: ‘Keep me signed in’, ‘KEEP_DEVICE_SIGNED_IN’: ‘Keep me signed in on this device’, ‘CANCEL’: ‘Cancel’, ‘NO_THX’: ‘No thanks, go to my email’, ‘PHONE_IN_USE’: ‘This phone number is already being used by another factor’, ‘EDIT’: ‘Edit’, ‘USERNAME_REQUIRED’: ‘Username is required’, ‘RECOVERY_PHONE’: ‘Recovery phone number’, ‘PROMPT_FACTOR_QUESTION’: ‘When would you like to use 2-step verification?’, ‘6_DIGITS’: ‘This field requires 6 digits as input’, ‘HIGH_RISK_TRANSACTIONS_EXPLANATION’: ‘High-risk transactions are rare, like changing your password or inviting someone to edit your website.’, ‘SOCIAL_CONNECT_ENABLE’: ‘Enable’, ‘SOCIAL_LOGIN_TITLE’: ‘Social Login’, ‘DONT_HAVE_ACCOUNT’: “Don’t have an account?”, ‘MSG_RATE_NOTICE’: ‘ Note: Message and data rates may apply.’, ‘UPDATE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS’: “You’ve successfully updated your password on your account.”, ‘FACEBOOK_NOT_SETUP’: ‘We found your account’, ‘FACTOR_TYPE_SELECTOR_AUTHENTICATOR’: ‘Authenticator app’, ‘CONTAIN_FIVE_CHARS’: ‘Contain at least 5 characters’, ‘BETWEEN_FIVE_FIFTY_CHARS’: ‘Be between 5-50 characters’, ‘CURRENT_PIN’: ‘Current PIN’, ‘YOUR_PIN_MUST’: ‘Your PIN must’, ‘REACT_SOCIAL_TROUBLE_SIGNING_IN’: “Sorry, we’ve having trouble signing you in.”, ‘SOCIAL_LOGIN_ASSOCIATE_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED’: ‘That Facebook account is already associated with a different GoDaddy shopper.’, ‘USERNAME’: ‘Username’, ‘PHONE_NUMBER’: ‘Phone Number’, ‘NOT_SAME_AS_USERNAME’: ‘Your password must not be the same as your username’, ‘INCLUDE_LOWERCASE’: ‘Include a lowercase letter’, ‘LOGIN_INFO’: ‘Login Info’, ‘USERNAME_OR_CUSTOMER_NUMBER’: ‘Username or Customer #’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_APP_TOOLTIP’: “An application downloaded from your phone’s app store such as Google Authenticator or Authy.”, ‘FACTOR_ADDED_DATES_STRING_TEMPLATE’: ‘{0} (updated: {1})’, ‘FACTORS_SECURITY_LAYER_MESSAGE’: ‘When you enable 2-Step Verification, you add an extra layer of security to your account. You sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a code sent to your phone).’, ‘BACKUP_VERIFICATION’: ‘Backup Verification’, ‘SHOW_PASSWORD’: ‘Show password’, ‘HIDE_PASSWORD’: ‘Hide password’, ‘WHY_ADD_BACKUP’: ‘Why add a backup?’, ‘CONTINUE_WITH_FACEBOOK’: ‘Continue with Facebook’, ‘GODADDY_PASSWORD’: ‘GoDaddy Password’, ‘CONTAIN_ONE_LETTER’: ‘Contain at least 1 letter’, ‘RECOVERY_EMAIL’: ‘Recovery email’, ‘PAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST’: ‘The page you requested does not exist.’, ‘CREATE_PIN_NEW_NEW’: ‘Support PIN’, ‘YOUR_PASSWORD_MUST’: ‘Your password must’, ‘O365_RECOVERY_INSTRUCTIONS’: “We’ll only use this to help reset your password. You can change this under Account Information in your Dashboard.”, ‘ERROR_MSG_DEFAULT’: “Yikes! Something’s gone wrong. Please re-enter your information and try again.”, ‘CREATE_ACCT_ERROR_EXPLANATION’: ‘Sorry, your {0} was invalid. Please try again.’, ‘FAILURE’: ‘Authentication failed. You entered an incorrect username or password.’, ‘PRIMARY_EMAIL’: ‘Primary Email’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_3’: ‘Tap the Add icon or the Begin Setup button.’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_2’: ‘Open the Authenticator App.’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_1’: “Install an Authenticator App from your phone’s store such as the Google Authenticator App.”, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_1_AUTHY’: “Install an Authenticator App from your phone’s store such as Authy.”, ‘PIN_EXPLANATION’: ‘You need this PIN when you contact Support.’, ‘NEW_SUPPORT_PIN’: ‘New Support PIN’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_6’: ‘Enter a name for your Authenticator App.’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_5’: ‘Enter the code generated by your device.’, ‘AUTHENTICATOR_TUTORIAL_STEP_4’: ‘Choose Scan a Barcode, and scan using your phone:’, ‘COUNTRY_NAME’: ‘United States’, ‘CONFIRM_PASSWORD’: ‘Confirm password’, ‘TOO_MANY_FAILURES’: ‘Yikes! Too many failures! Account is temporarily blocked. Please, try again later.’, ‘PLEASE_COMPLETE_2F_TO_CONTINUE’: ‘Please complete 2-step verification to continue.’, ‘FACEBOOK_UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNT’: ‘Oops – you must use a verified Facebook account’, ‘EXIT_ACCESS’: ‘Exit access’, ‘PIN_NOT_ALL_SAME’: ‘Not be single, repeated digit’, ‘PIN_UPDATE_SUCCESS’: “You’ve successfully updated your Support PIN on your account.”, ‘HIGH_RISK_TRANSACTIONS’: ‘High Risk Transactions’, ‘FACEBOOK_COLLISION_STR_1’: ‘An existing GoDaddy account uses the same email address. You can sign in to that account or create a new one.’, ‘FACEBOOK_COLLISION_STR_2’: ‘Note: You can Add/Remove Facebook sign-in on the Login & PIN page under your GoDaddy Account Settings.’, ‘CREATE_PASSWORD’: ‘Create a Password for GoDaddy’, ‘INCLUDE_UPPERCASE’: ‘Include an uppercase letter’, ‘SOCIAL_LOGIN_ERROR_NEED_GD_PASSWORD’: ‘You need to set up a GoDaddy password before you can deactivate social login.’, ‘PIN_NOT_SEQUENTIAL’: ‘Use non-sequential digits’, ‘ADD_FACTOR_SUCCESS_NEW’: “You’ve successfully set up 2-Step Verification on your account.”, ‘SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT’: ‘Secure your account’, ‘NO_THX_APP’: ‘No thanks, go to my app’, ‘HOW_TO_SETUP_FACTORS’: ‘How to set it up:’, ‘GODADDY_USERNAME’: ‘GoDaddy Username’, ‘RESTRICTED’: ‘Restricted!’, ‘PASSWORD_LAST5’: “You can’t re-use your last 5 passwords. Please choose a new one.”, ‘ALTERNATE_STEP_4_1_BOLD_STRING’: ‘Enter Provided Key’, ‘USERNAME_AS_RECOVERY_EMAIL’: ‘Cannot use your own email as recovery email.’, ‘HAVE_YOU_FORGOTTEN’: ‘I forgot’, ‘ADD_BACKUP’: ‘Add Backup’, ‘CONFIRM_SOCIAL_REMOVAL’: ‘Click {Confirm} to disable your ability to sign in to your GoDaddy account with {SocialApp}’, ‘BLOCKED_PHONE’: ‘Too many attempts to add this phone number’, ‘EMPTY_PHONE_FIELD’: ‘This field is required’, ‘FACEBOOK_EMAIL_ALREADY_LINKED_TO_SHOPPER’: ‘Your Facebook account email address is already linked to another shopper.’, ‘WECHAT_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED_TO_SHOPPER’: ‘Your Wechat account is already linked to another shopper.’, ‘ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED_TO_WECHAT’: ‘Your GoDaddy account is already linked to another WeChat account. Please sign in.’, ‘UPDATE_USERNAME_SUCCESS’: “You’ve successfully updated your username for your account.”, ‘BE_UNIQUE’: ‘Be unique’, ‘SHOW’: ‘Show’, ‘PASSWORD_REQUIRED’: ‘Password is required’, ‘TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS’: ‘Terms & Conditions’, ‘SOCIAL_CONNECT_DISABLE’: ‘Disable’, ‘ADD_SMS_TEXT_STEP_ONE’: ‘We will text the code to your mobile phone. Click {0} to opt in (standard carrier charges may apply).’, ‘PROMPT_FACTOR_ALWAYS’: ‘Every login’, ‘FEEL_BAD_ABOUT_DELETING_IT_MESSAGE’: ‘Having 2-Step Verification enabled adds an extra layer of security to your account.’, ‘NAME_IN_USE’: ‘This name is already being used by another factor’, ‘DELETE_FACTOR_WITH_NAME_CONFIRMATION’: ‘Are you sure you want to remove the {0} factor {1}?’, ‘DELETE_FACTOR_WITHOUT_NAME_CONFIRMATION’: ‘Are you sure you want to remove the {0} factor?’, ‘PASSWORD’: ‘Password’, ‘CURRENT_USERNAME’: ‘Current username’, ‘REMEMBER_ME_TIP’: ‘Protect your account. Uncheck if using public/shared device.’, ‘YOUR_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_AUTHORIZED’: ‘Your account is not authorized to access this application.’, ‘INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_FOR_AFTERNIC’: ‘You have not given Afternic permissions to use your GoDaddy account. Please try again.’, ‘PRIVACY_POLICY_LABEL’: ‘Privacy Policy’, ‘DOMAIN_REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT’: ‘Domain Name Registration Agreement’, ‘PASSWORD_MUST_MATCH’: ‘Passwords do not match’, ‘INVALID_PHONE_NO’: ‘Invalid phone number’, ‘SAVE_AND_CONTINUE’: ‘Save & Continue’, ‘BACKUP_VERIFICATION_TOOLTIP’: ‘Adding multiple verification methods does not add extra steps, but gives you a way into your account if the first method does not work’, ‘ERROR_NOT_SIGNED_IN’: ‘You must sign in to continue.’, ‘NAME_FIELD_LABEL’: ‘App:’, ‘AUTH_APP_NAME_FIELD_LABEL’: ‘Authenticator name’, ‘TOO_MANY_FACTOR_ATTEMPTS’: ‘You have entered too many incorrect validation codes.’, ‘SOCIAL_DISASSOCIATE_WRONG_ACCOUNT’: ‘Disable failed – you are signed in to a Facebook account that is not associated with this GoDaddy account.’, ‘MANAGE_SOCIAL_LOGIN’: ‘Manage how you sign in to GoDaddy with your social accounts’, ‘INCLUDE_NUMBER’: ‘Include a number’, ‘BACKUP’: ‘Backup: ‘, ‘RESET_PASSWORD_BTN’: ‘Reset Password’, ‘CANNOT_CONTAIN_SPACE’: ‘Not contain a space’, ‘PLEASE_SIGN_IN_NEW’: ‘Please sign in to access your account.’, ‘EXTRA_GERMAN_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS’: ‘We will inform you regularly about our products, services as well as special events by e-mail. You can log out of this service at any time via the preference menu.’, ‘CUSTOMER’: ‘Customer’, ‘SUBMIT’: ‘Submit’, ‘FILTER’: ‘Filter’, ‘USE_RECOVERY_PHONE_INSTEAD’: ‘Use a recovery phone number instead’, ‘USE_EMAIL_INSTEAD’: ‘Use email instead’, ‘SHOW_ME_ALL_OF_THEM’: ‘Show All Usernames’, ‘YOUR_USERNAMES_SINGULAR’: ‘Your username is:’, ‘YOUR_USERNAMES_PLURAL’: ‘Your usernames are:’, ‘RECOVERY_PHONE_INVALID_OR_NOT_ASSOCIATED’: “You must enter a valid phone number or that’s not a recovery phone number associated with any of your accounts.”, ‘OPTIONAL_DOMAIN_FILTER_MESSAGE’: “We’ve found at least 5 usernames associated with that email or phone. Would you like to filter by domain address?”, ‘MANDATORY_DOMAIN_FILTER_MESSAGE’: ‘For your security, please enter any domain associated with the account.’, ‘HAVING_TROUBLE’: ‘Having trouble? Contact your administrator.’, ‘PASSWORD_RESET_PROMPT’: ‘How do you want to reset your password?’, ‘GET_EMAIL’: ‘Get an email’, ‘GET_TEXT’: ‘Get a text’, ‘DOMAIN_URL’: ‘Domain URL’, ‘DOMAIN_NAME’: ‘Domain Name’, ‘EMAIL_ADMIN’: ‘Email your administrator’, ‘EMAIL_LINK_ADMIN’: ‘Email a link to your account administrator’, ‘SEND_RECOVERY_EMAIL’: “We’ll send a link to {0}”, ‘EMAIL_RECOVERY_LINK’: ‘Email a link to {0}’, ‘SEND_RECOVERY_TEXT’: “We’ll text a code to {0}”, ‘SEND_TEXT_TO_NUMBER’: ‘Text {0}’, ‘SEND_RECOVERY_TO_ADMIN’: “We’ll send a link to your account administrator”, ‘SENT_RECOVERY_EMAIL’: ‘We emailed a password reset link to {0}. Please follow the instructions in that email.’, ‘SENT_RECOVERY_TEXT’: ‘We sent a text to {0}. Please enter the 6-digit code provided.’, ‘SENT_RECOVERY_EMAIL_WITH_CODE’: ‘We emailed your code to {0}. Please enter the code in that email.’, ‘SENT_RECOVERY_EMAIL_ALMOST_THERE’: “You’re almost there! We emailed your code to {0}. Please enter the 6 digit code in that email.”, ‘CHECK_SPAM_OR_CORRECT_EMAIL’: “If you haven’t received the email after a few minutes, please check your junk mail folder as it may have been mistaken for spam, or try a different email address.”, ‘RETRIEVE_USERNAME’: ‘Retrieve username’, ‘SENT_RECOVERY_ADMIN’: ‘We sent your password reset request to your account administrator.’, ‘RECOVERY_ADMIN_NEXT’: “When your account administrator resets your password, you’ll receive an email with next steps.”, ‘RECOVERY_TRIES_EXCEEDED’: ‘You’ve exceeded your 10 allowed password resets. Please wait 24 hours before trying again.’, ‘USERNAME_RECOVERY_TRIES_EXCEEDED’: “You’ve exceeded your 10 allowed username retrievals. Please wait 24 hours before trying again.”, ‘NO_CODE’: ‘No code?’, ‘DIDNT_RECEIVE_CODE’: “Didn’t receive the code?”, ‘DIDNT_RECEIVE_CODE_SUBTITLE’: “No worries, it can happen. Let’s try again.”, ‘BACK’: ‘Back’, ‘EXPIRED_LINK’: ‘Expired Link’, ‘EXPIRED_CLICK_TO_RESEND_EMAIL’: ‘The link you clicked has expired. Please press Send New Link below to send a new link to your email address.’, ‘EXPIRED_ENTER_EMAIL’: ‘The link you clicked has expired. Please enter your {0} to send a new link.’, ‘PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS’: ‘Your password has been successfully updated.’, ‘SIGN_IN_NEW_PASSWORD’: ‘Return to the sign in page to use your new password.’, ‘SEND_NEW_LINK’: ‘Send New Link’, ‘RESELLER_ACCESS_TITLE’: ‘{0} access’, ‘GRANT_RESELLER_LABEL’: ‘Grant {0}:’, ‘NO_ACCESS_LABEL’: ‘No access’, ‘NO_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION’: ‘Cannot make changes to your account.’, ‘LIMITED_ACCESS_LABEL’: ‘Limited access’, ‘LIMITED_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION’: ‘Can set up and manage products.’, ‘FULL_ACCESS_LABEL’: ‘Full access’, ‘FULL_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION’: ‘Can set up, manage, and purchase products and upgrades using payment methods stored in the profile.’, ‘REVOKE_ACCESS_LABEL’: ‘Revoke access’, ‘COMPLETE_SETUP’: ‘Complete your setup’, ‘PASS_ACCOUNT_SECURITY_EXPLANATION’: “We can reset your password by sending a link to your email or a code to your phone. We’ll only use this information for your account’s security.”, ‘FACTOR_HOLD_2F_ERROR_MSG’: “For your security, we’ve disabled your 2-step verification editing due to recent deactivation. We’ll remove this lock on {timestamp}, or you can contact support at {support_phone}.”, ‘CAPS_LOCK_DETECTED’: ‘Warning: Caps Lock is on’, ‘SIGN_IN_TO’: ‘Sign in to {0}’, ‘SIGN_IN_WITH’: ‘Sign in with {APP}’, ‘CREATE_ACCOUNT_USING’: ‘Create account using {APP}’, ‘HEG_WRONG_SIGN_IN’: ‘Not going to {0}? Try signing in from the homepage or from’, ‘HERE’: ‘here’, ‘RESELLER_AUTH_FAILED’: “Incorrect username or password. If you’re having trouble, try the homepage’s sign in link.”, ‘RESELLER_UNKNOWN_BRAND_HELP_STATEMENT’: ‘Having trouble? Try signing in from the homepage.’, ‘SEND_EMAIL’: ‘Send Email’, ‘SEND_TEXT’: ‘Send Text’, ‘RETURN_TO_SIGN_IN’: ‘Return to Sign in’, ‘USERNAME_LIST’: ‘List of usernames:’, ‘SENT_SMS_MESSAGE’: ‘A text message with your code has been sent to {phone_no}.’, ‘CHOOSE_A_METHOD’: ‘Please choose a method to confirm your identity:’, ‘UNABLE_TO_GET_CODE’: ‘If you are unable to get any codes, please contact GoDaddy Support. We are here to help!’, ‘ENTER_AUTHENTICATOR_CODE_WITH_NAME’: ‘Please enter the 6-digit verification code your mobile application {factor_name} generated’, ‘PROBLEMS_WITH_YOUR_CODE’: ‘Problems with your code?’, ‘INVALID_DOMAIN_EMAIL_COMBO’: ‘Invalid domain and email combination’, ‘RECOVERY_SET_SIGN_IN’: ‘Recovery options successfully set. Signing you in…’, ‘PASSWORD_SUCCESSFULLY_SET’: ‘Password successfully set’, ‘INCORRECT_RESPONSE’: ‘Incorrect response’, ‘EMAIL_OPT_IN_CONSENT’: ‘Sign up for email promotions, exclusive offers, and surveys’, ‘EMAIL_OPT_IN_CONSENT_COMBINED’: ‘I want to receive personalized offers, updates, and information about {0} products and services.’, ‘CONSENT_BUTTON_AGREE’: ‘Agree’, ‘CONSENT_BUTTON_DECLINE’: ‘Decline’, ‘SOCIAL_CONSENT_TITLE’: ‘Contact Preference’, ‘NEED_SECOND_FACTOR’: ‘Username and password verified. Please enter your SMS code to continue.’, ‘LOCKED_INFORMATION_RESET’: ‘We locked your account due to too many incorrect sign in attempts. You can try a different account or reset your password.’, ‘TIMER_LOCKED’: “Looks like you’re having trouble signing in. Please wait {0} before trying again.”, ‘TIMER_LOCKED_NEW’: “Looks like you’re having trouble signing in. Please wait {COUNTDOWN} before trying again.”, ‘TIMER_LOCKED_SHOW_RESET_PASSWORD’: “Looks like you’re having trouble signing in. Please wait {COUNTDOWN} before trying again or try {RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD}.”, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE’: ‘Authentication failed. You entered an incorrect username or password.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_NEW’: ‘You entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_SHOW_RESET_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again or try {RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD}.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_PASS’: ‘You entered an incorrect email address or password. Please try again.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_PASS_SHOW_RESET_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect email address or password. Please try again or try {RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD}.’, ‘RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD’: ‘resetting your password’, ‘ACCOUNT_LOCKED_LOGIN’: ‘We locked your account due to too many incorrect sign in attempts.’, ‘INVALID_REALM’: ‘Invalid realm’, ‘PASS_TEMP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED’: “Sorry, looks like your password expired. We’ll let your admin know you want to sign in, but feel free to do the same!”, ‘MINUTES’: ‘minutes’, ‘SECONDS’: ‘seconds’, ‘HOURS’: ‘hours’, ‘MINUTE’: ‘minute’, ‘SECOND’: ‘second’, ‘HOUR’: ‘hour’, ‘YOUR_TEMP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED’: ‘Your temporary password is expired.’, ‘NEW_TEMP_PASSWORD_SOON’: “You’ll get a new one soon from your admin. (Don’t wait too long. It’ll expire in 4 weeks.)”, ‘BACK_TO_SIGN_IN’: ‘Back to Sign In’, ‘EXPIRED_PASSWORD’: ‘Expired Password’, ‘ADMIN_REQUIRES_PASSWORD_CHANGE’: ‘Your admin wants you to change your password. Please create a new one.’, ‘PASSWORD_LENGTH_ERROR_5_TO_32’: ‘Your password must be between 5 and 32 characters.’, ‘SIGN_IN_BUTTON’: ‘Sign In’, ‘PASSWORD_LAST_30_DAYS’: ‘You have used this password in the last 30 days. Please choose a new one.’, ‘SECOND_FACTOR_NOT_VERIFIED’: ‘We could not verify your second factor. Please enter your {0} to send a new link.’, ‘RESELLER_KNOWN_BRAND_HELP_STATEMENT_NEW’: ‘Having trouble? Try signing in from the homepage or from {0}.’, ‘E2S_LEVELUP_MODAL_BODY_TEXT_SMS’: ‘This customer requires 2-step verification at the number {0} before taking this action. You must have them available to provide the code sent to their device’, ‘E2S_LEVELUP_MODAL_BODY_TEXT_AUTH_APP’: ‘This customer requires 2-step verification using {0} before taking this action. You must have them available to provide the code generated on their device’, ‘E2S_LEVELUP_MODAL_CONTINUE_BUTTON_SMS’: ‘Send SMS, I have the customer on the line’, ‘E2S_LEVELUP_MODAL_CONTINUE_BUTTON_AUTH_APP’: ‘I have the customer on the line’, ‘2_STEP_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED’: ‘2-step Verification Required’, ‘JOMAX_USERNAME’: ‘Jomax username’, ‘DC1_USERNAME’: ‘DC1 username’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_TITLE’: ‘Delegate Access’, ‘DELEGATION_SUBORDINATES_TITLE’: ‘Accounts I can access’, ‘DELEGATION_DELEGATES_TITLE’: ‘People who can access my account’, ‘DELEGATION_REQUEST_ACCESS’: ‘Request Access’, ‘DELEGATION_GRANT_ACCESS’: ‘Grant Access’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_5’: ‘Domains Only’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_3’: ‘Products, Domains, & Purchase’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_2’: ‘Products & Domains’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_1’: ‘Account Connection Only’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_5_DESC’: ‘Access to manage specific domains only. Choose individual domains under My Domains.’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_3_DESC’: ‘Access to manage products, domains, and purchase products using credit cards stored in the profile. No access to view or modify the payment information.’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_2_DESC’: ‘Access to manage products and domains only.’, ‘DELEGATION_ACCESS_LEVEL_1_DESC’: ‘Keeps the connection between accounts, but provides no access to products or purchasing.’, ‘ACTIVE’: ‘Active’, ‘ACCESS_LEVEL’: ‘Access Level’, ‘NAME’: ‘Name’, ‘ACCESS_LEVEL_REQUESTED’: ‘Access level requested’, ‘ASTERISK’: ‘*’, ‘LEARN_MORE’: ‘Learn More’, ‘DELETE_THIS_PERSON’: ‘Delete this person?’, ‘DELETE_DELEGATE_MESSAGE’: ‘You have chosen to delete {0}. This action cannot be undone.’, ‘DELETE_DELEGATE_NOTE’: ‘Note: We will notify {0} of your changes.’, ‘DELEGATE_ACCESS_LEVEL_CHANGED’: “You changed {0}’s access level to {1}. We let {0} know about the update.”, ‘ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED’: ‘This account is suspended. Please contact your administrator.’, ‘ACCOUNT_DOESNT_EXIST’: ‘It looks like this account doesn’t exist, or it might be on another email platform. Maybe try signing in from a different page.’, ‘ADD_2FA_TO_VERIFY_IDENTITY’: ‘You must add a second factor to verify your identity when you sign in.’, ‘2FA_DEFAULTS_BY_MARKET_SAVE_PHONE_AGREEMENT’: ‘Make this my profile contact number.’, ‘FIRST_SIX’: ‘First 6’, ‘LAST_FOUR’: ‘Last 4’, ‘PHONE’: ‘Phone’, ‘CUSTOMER_INFORMATION’: ‘Customer Information’, ‘UNKNOWN’: ‘Unknown’, ‘CUSTOMER_#’: ‘Customer #{0}’, ‘POTENTIAL_FRAUD_ACCOUNT_LOCK_ALERT_HEADER’: ‘This account is locked due to potential fraud’, ‘POTENTIAL_FRAUD_ACCOUNT_LOCK_ALERT_MESSAGE_P1’: “Advise them that their account was selected by our Verification Office to confirm recent activity and to follow the Order Verification Phone Transfer Procedures. Do not mention the term ‘fraud’ to the customer.”, ‘POTENTIAL_FRAUD_ACCOUNT_LOCK_ALERT_MESSAGE_P2’: ‘You can find more instructions and how to handle it in’, ‘POTENTIAL_FRAUD_ACCOUNT_LOCK_ALERT_MESSAGE_P2_LINK’: ‘this vault article’, ‘POTENTIAL_FRAUD_ACCOUNT_LOCK_ALERT_MESSAGE_P3’: ‘FOR THEIR OWN SECURITY, PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE ANY PERSONAL DETAILS ON THIS ACCOUNT.’, ‘SECURITY_ACCOUNT_LOCK_ALERT_HEADER’: ‘This account is locked due to security concerns’, ‘2FA_ENABLED_NOTICE_ALERT_HEADER’: ‘2 Step Verification Enabled’, ‘2FA_ENABLED_NOTICE_ALERT_MESSAGE’: ‘This customer has 2SV enabled. You must verify BOTH factors to continue for full access to this account’, ‘SEND_CODE’: ‘Send Code’, ‘SKIP_VALIDATION’: ‘Skip Validation’, ‘SKIP_VALIDATION_CAUTION_MESSAGE’: ‘Please only use in times of great need to keep our customers safe.’, ‘INVALID_SINGLE_REMAINING_ATTEMPT’: ‘Invalid. 1 attempt left.’, ‘INVALID_MULTIPLE_REMAINING_ATTEMPTS’: ‘Invalid. {0} attempts left.’, ‘INVALID_SINGLE_FAILED_ATTEMPT’: ‘Invalid. 1 failed attempt.’, ‘INVALID_MULTIPLE_FAILED_ATTEMPTS’: ‘Invalid. {number} failed attempts.’, ‘FAILED_ATTEMPTS’: ‘Attempts failed’, ‘ATTEMPTS_REMAINING’: ‘Attempts remaining’, ‘LOCKED’: ‘Locked’, ‘HOW_DO_THEY_WANT_TO_VERIFY’: ‘How do they want to verify?’, ‘CUSTOMER_HAVING_2FA_PROBLEMS’: ‘Customer having problems with their 2nd factor?’, ‘HELP_ARTICLE_LINK’: “Here’s the help article”, ‘CUSTOMER_PIN’: ‘Customer Pin’, ‘TOTAL’: ‘Total’, ‘CUSTOMER_VALIDATION’: ‘Customer Validation’, ‘TAC_OTP’: ‘1-time Code’, ‘2SV_SMS’: ‘2SV – SMS’, ‘2SV_AUTH’: ‘2SV – Auth App’, ‘TWO_FACTOR’: ‘2-Factor’, ‘CREDIT_CARD’: ‘Credit Card’, ‘TEMPORARY_ACCESS_CODE’: ‘Temporary Access Code’, ‘LOCKED_FAILED_ATTEMPTS’: ‘Locked after {0} failed attempts. Please try a different method.’, ‘VALIDATE_FIRST_METHOD_HEADER’: ‘First Method of Verification’, ‘VALIDATE_SECOND_METHOD_HEADER’: ‘Second Method of Verification’, ‘VERIFICATION_METHODS’: ‘Verification Methods’, ‘METHOD’: ‘Method’, ‘PENDING’: ‘Pending’, ‘TAC_EMAIL’: ‘TAC – Email’, ‘TAC_WORK_SMS’: ‘TAC – Work SMS/Text’, ‘TAC_MOBILE_SMS’: ‘TAC – Mobile SMS/Text’, ‘MOBILE_SMS’: ‘Mobile SMS/Text’, ‘PRIMARY_SMS’: ‘Primary SMS/Text’, ‘ACCESS_NOW’: ‘Access Now’, ‘COMPLETION_WELCOME’: ‘Welcome to GoDaddy!’, ‘COMPLETION_EXPLANATION’: ‘To link your {0} and GoDaddy accounts, we need a bit more information so that you can sign in through GoDaddy.’, ‘COMPLETE_ACCOUNT’: ‘Complete Account’, ‘COMPLETE_ACCOUNT_LEGAL_AGREEMENT’: ‘By clicking “Complete Account”, you agree to GoDaddy’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy_label}’, ‘ACCOUNT’: ‘Account’, ‘NOTE’: ‘Note:’, ‘LINK_REMINDER’: ‘To keep managing and renewing your products, you must link your {0} account to an existing GoDaddy account.’, ‘COMPLETE_OR_LINK’: ‘Complete the GoDaddy account created for you or link to an existing one.’, ‘NOT_YOUR_FED_ACCOUNT’: ‘Is this not your {0} account?’, ‘SWITCH_FED_ACCOUNT’: ‘Switch accounts’, ‘CONFIRM_DELEGATION’: ‘You are about to establish a relationship to your account ({0} — {1})’, ‘CONFIRM_ACCESS’: ‘Confirm Access’, ‘NOT_YOUR_ACCOUNT’: ‘Not your account?’, ‘LOG_OUT’: ‘Log out’, ‘DECLINE_ACCESS’: ‘Decline Access’, ‘ACCEPT_INVITATION_SUCCESS’: “Congratulations! You’ve accepted the invite, successfully.”, ‘DEL_ERR_MSG_INVITE_EXPIRED’: “It’s been more than 48 hours since the invite was initiated. The account holder must resend the invite.”, ‘DEL_ERR_MSG_INVITE_ALREADY_ACCEPTED’: “You’ve already accepted this invite.”, ‘DEL_ERR_MSG_INVITE_NOT_FOUND’: “We’re unable to verify this invite. Please contact the account holder.”, ‘REQUEST_ACCESS’: ‘Request Access’, ‘INVITE_ACCESS’: ‘Invite to Access’, ‘INVITE_ACCESS_INTRO’: “Enter a name and email address for the person you’d like to grant account access. Then, select an access level and click Invite.”, ‘REQUEST_ACCESS_INTRO’: “Enter the information for the person from whom you’re requesting account access, choose an access level and click Request. We’ll pass it on.”, ‘INVITE’: ‘Invite’, ‘REQUEST’: ‘Request’, ‘GENERIC_BY_CLICKING_YOU_AGREE_TO’: ‘By clicking {0}, you agree to’, ‘AGREEMENT_TERMS_ACCOUNT_ACCESS’: ‘Account Access Terms of Service’, ‘SUCCESSFULLY_REMOVED_DELEGATE’: ‘Successfully removed delegate’, ‘YOU_NEED_COMPLETE_ACCOUNT’: ‘You need to complete your account’, ‘YOU_NEED_COMPLETE_ACCOUNT_EXPLANATION’: “You have not set up a permanent GoDaddy account yet. You’ll need to complete your account with us before you can edit any account details.”, ‘NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSION’: ‘You do not have the correct permissions to access this page.’, ‘VERY_WEAK’: ‘Very Weak’, ‘WEAK’: ‘Weak’, ‘MODERATE’: ‘Moderate’, ‘STRONG’: ‘Strong’, ‘VERY_STRONG’: ‘Very Strong’, ‘SUBORDINATES_ACCESS_INFO’: “Account Access allows you to request access to someone else’s account to manage certain areas of their account.”, ‘DELEGATES_ACCESS_INFO’: ‘You can also grant someone access to your own account.’, ‘DIDNT_RECEIVE_EMAIL’: “Didn’t receive an email?”, ‘CHECK_USERNAME’: ‘Check if your username is correct.’, ‘GO_TO_WEBPRO_DASHBOARD’: ‘Go to Pro Dashboard’, ‘SET_UP_2_STEP_VERIFICATION’: ‘Set up 2-step verification’, ‘ADD_EMPLOYEE_ACCESS’: ‘Add employee access’, ‘ACCESSORS’: ‘Accessors’, ‘ADD_SHOPPER’: ‘Add shopper’, ‘SHOPPERS’: ‘Shoppers’, ‘ACCOUNT_OWNERS’: ‘Account owners’, ‘REMOVE_SHOPPER’: ‘Remove shopper’, ‘REMOVE_EMPLOYEE’: ‘Remove employee’, ‘SHOPPER_ID’: ‘Shopper ID’, ‘RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT_MANAGER’: ‘Restricted account manager’, ‘ACCOUNT_TYPES’: ‘Account types’, ‘DETAILS’: ‘Details’, ‘SHOPPER_COUNT’: ‘Shopper count’, ‘EMPLOYEE_COUNT’: ‘Employee count’, ‘RAM_ERROR_MISSING_PARAM’: ‘Missing required parameter’, ‘RAM_ERROR_ASSOC_EXISTS’: ‘Association between ID and account type already exists’, ‘PASSWORD_STRENGTH’: ‘Password strength’, ‘CALL_YOURSELF_FREELANCER’: ‘Call yourself a freelancer?’, ‘PRO_OFFERING’: ‘Get client management tools, advanced support, discounts and great perks with your free membership.’, ‘LEARN_MORE_GODADDY_PRO’: ‘Learn more about GoDaddy Pro.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY’: ‘Security key’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_DESCRIPTION’: “A security key is a small physical device used for signing in. It plugs into your computer’s USB port.”, ‘SECURITY_KEY_NEEDS_BACKUP_NOTE’: ‘Note: you will need to add a back-up method if you want call in for support’, ‘ADD_SECURITY_KEY_INSTRUCTIONS_STEP_1’: ‘Make sure your key is with you, but not connected to your computer yet.’, ‘ADD_SECURITY_KEY_INSTRUCTIONS_STEP_2’: “Insert your security key in your computer’s USB port, connect it via a USB cable, or connect it via Bluetooth.”, ‘ADD_SECURITY_KEY_INSTRUCTIONS_STEP_3’: ‘Once connected, tap the button or gold disk that your key has.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_LEVELUP_INSTRUCTIONS’: ‘Please verify your identity with your security key now by tapping or pressing the button or gold disk.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_LEVELUP_NAMED_INSTRUCTIONS’: ‘Please verify your identity with {security_key_name} security key now by tapping or pressing the button or gold disk.’, ‘CANT_ACCESS_SECURITY_KEY’: ‘I cannot access my security key.’, ‘NOTE_SECURITY_KEY_NEEDS_BACKUP_FOR_SUPPORT’: ‘Note: you will need to add a back-up method if you want to call in for support’, ‘WE_RECOMMEND_ADDING_A_BACKUP_FOR_YOUR_SECURITY_KEY’: ‘If you use a security key for a verification method, you also need a backup method, so support can verify your identity when you call them. We recommend an authenticator app, as it is more secure.’, ‘ADD_A_BACKUP_METHOD’: ‘Add Back Up’, ‘DECLINE_ADDING_BACKUP_METHOD_NOW’: ‘Not Now’, ‘2FA_QUOTA_REACHED_ERROR’: ‘To protect your account, we locked this verification method for 24 hours due to too many code requests.’, ‘2FA_QUOTA_REACHED_CONTACT_LOCKED_ERROR’: ‘To protect your account, we locked {contact} for 24 hours due to too many code requests.’, ‘TRY_ANOTHER_METHOD’: ‘Try another verification method’, ‘VISIT_SUPPORT_CENTER’: ‘visit the Support Center’, ‘REGAIN_ACCOUNT_ACCESS’: ‘to regain account access.’, ‘IF_SET_UP_BACKUP’: ‘if you set up a back-up.’, ‘CHARS_REMAINING’: ‘{0}/{1} remaining’, ‘ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL’: ‘Enter Your Email’, ‘NEED_EMAIL_WECHAT_EXPLANATION’: ‘We need an email address to enable account recovery and other functions.’, ‘CONTINUE_TO_2STEP’: ‘Continue to 2-Step’, ‘WECHAT’: ‘WeChat’, ‘2_STEP_CONFIGURATION’: ‘2-Step Configuration’, ‘ADD_FACTOR’: ‘Add Factor’, ‘VERIFY_CODE’: ‘Verify Code’, ‘PREVIOUS’: ‘Previous’, ‘NEXT’: ‘Next’, ‘U2F_KEY_SUCCESS’: “You’ve successfully added your security key as a 2-step verification method.”, ‘U2F_KEY_INCOMPATIBLE_MSG’: ‘This device or browser is not compatible with your key. Check the specifications from the manufacturer.’, ‘TURN_OFF_2STEP_VERIFICATION’: ‘Turn off 2-step verification’, ‘DID_NOT_RECEIVE_2STEP_CODE’: “I didn’t receive my 2-step verification code”, ‘USE_SECURITY_KEY_TO_SIGN_IN’: ‘Using security key to sign in’, ‘STILL_HAVING_DIFFICULTIES_HELP_ARTICLES’: ‘Still having difficulties? Try these articles:’, ‘TRY_RECONNECTING_SECURITY_KEY’: ‘Something went wrong. Try disconnecting and reconnecting your security key.’, ‘BLOCKED_COUNTRIES_2FA_MESSAGE’: “We currently can’t send text messages to this country. Please select a different country code or use a different method”, ‘SECURITY_KEY_NOTE_CRM’: ‘Note This account currently only has the Security Key factor enabled for their account as a second factor. They will have to do one of two things.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_NOTE_CRM_OPTION_1’: ‘If they can sign in, they can add an additional factor such as an Authentication App temporarily or they can remove the security key factor for now. This is done through the Login/PIN page under Account Settings. Once they are done, you can refresh your search.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_NOTE_CRM_OPTION_2’: ‘If they cannot sign in, they will need to fill out a remove 2-step verification request. See more in’, ‘THIS_HELP_ARTICLE’: ‘this help article.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_CANNOT_BE_USED’: ‘Security key – Cannot be used for verification’, ‘NO_ACCOUNTS_WITH_THAT_USERNAME’: ‘No accounts exist with that username.’, ‘NO_ACCOUNTS_WITH_THAT_EMAIL’: ‘No accounts exist with that email.’, ‘NO_EMAIL_ENTER_O365’: ‘That email address doesn’t exist in our system. Enter your {0} email.’, ‘FIND_YOUR_USERNAME_HERE’: ‘Find your username here.’, ‘FIND_YOUR_EMAIL_HERE’: ‘Find your email here.’, ‘CLICK_WECHAT_DISCLAIMER’: “By clicking on ‘{0},’ you agree to allow GoDaddy to contact you about our products and services via WeChat.”, ‘FACEBOOK’: ‘Facebook’, ‘AMAZON’: ‘Amazon’, ‘APPLE’: ‘Apple’, ‘CUSTOM_APP_EMAIL’: ‘{0} email’, ‘DISABLE_WECHAT_SUCCESS’: ‘WeChat disabled successfully.’, ‘SIX_DIGIT_CODE’: ‘6-digit code’, ‘GODADDY_SIGN_IN’: ‘GoDaddy Sign In’, ‘NEW_TO_GODADDY’: ‘New to GoDaddy?’, ‘OR_SIGN_IN_WITH’: ‘or sign in with’, ‘DISABLE_WECHAT’: ‘Disable WeChat’, ‘DISABLE_FACEBOOK’: ‘Disable Facebook’, ‘DISABLE_SOCIAL’: ‘Disable {SOCIAL_APP}’, ‘ENABLE_WECHAT’: ‘Enable WeChat’, ‘ENABLE_FACEBOOK’: ‘Enable Facebook’, ‘ENABLE_SOCIAL’: ‘Enable {SOCIAL_APP}’, ‘ERROR_TRY_AGAIN’: ‘Something went wrong. Try again’, ‘ALREADY_GODADDY_CUSTOMER?’: ‘Already a GoDaddy customer?’, ‘NO_WECHAT_ACCOUNT_FOUND’: “We couldn’t find a GoDaddy account associated with that WeChat account. Do you want to sign in and link an existing account or create a new one?”, ‘NO_SOCIAL_ACCOUNT_FOUND’: “We couldn’t find a GoDaddy account associated with that {SOCIAL_APP} account. Do you want to sign in and link an existing account or create a new one?”, ‘WECHAT_EMAIL_MATCHED’: ‘Hey, that email sure looks familiar. Do you want to link WeChat to an existing GoDaddy account?’, ‘SOCIAL_EMAIL_MATCHED’: ‘Hey, that email sure looks familiar. Do you want to link your {SOCIAL_APP} account to an existing GoDaddy account?’, ‘LINK_MY_ACCOUNT’: ‘Link My Account’, ‘LINK_YOUR_ACCOUNT’: ‘Link Your Account’, ‘ENABLED’: ‘Enabled’, ‘DISABLED’: ‘Disabled’, ‘WECHAT_LINK_SUCCESS’: ‘You’ve successfully linked this account to your WeChat account.’, ‘SOCIAL_LINK_SUCCESS’: ‘You’ve successfully linked this account to your {SOCIAL_APP} account.’, ‘GODADDY_SOCIAL_LINK_SUCCESS’: ‘You’ve successfully linked your GoDaddy account to your {SOCIAL_APP} account.’, ‘CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS’: ‘You’ve successfully created an account.’, ‘CLOSE’: ‘Close’, ‘CLOSED_ACCOUNT’: ‘Closed Account’, ‘ACTION_FORBIDDEN’: “For this customer’s security, you cannot perform this action.”, ‘FACTOR_HOLD_ON_2FA’: ‘This account cannot manage 2-step verification until {date} at {time}’, ‘SUCCESS’: ‘Success’, ‘SUCCESS_PARAGRAPH_1’: ‘We’ve migrated your account over to {brand_display_name} and you’re now a part of the {brand_display_name} family.’, ‘SUCCESS_PARAGRAPH_2’: ‘Don’t worry, all your products have been moved over to {brand_display_name} and you will now log in to your account on {brand_display_name}.’, ‘ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_NAME’: ‘Give your security key a name you can remember during sign in.’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_NAME’: ‘Security key name’, ‘USERNAME_TAKEN’: ‘That username is taken, but you have another great one in you. We just know it.’, ‘OR_CREATE_WITH’: ‘or create with’, ‘CODE_LENGTH_ERROR’: ‘{0} must be {1} digits’, ‘DONT_HAVE_BRAND_EMAIL’: “Don’t have {0} email?”, ‘GET_STARTED’: ‘Get Started’, ‘SIGN_IN_WITH_WECHAT’: ‘Sign in with WeChat’, ‘THIS_ACCOUNT_IS_UNAVAILABLE’: ‘This account is unavailable’, ‘ASK_ACCOUNT_OWNER_TO_LOGIN’: ‘Please ask the owner to login to their account for an important message or contact support to review their account.’, ‘CREATE_ACCOUNT_LEGAL_AGREEMENT’: “By creating an account, you agree to {business_name}’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy_label}”, ‘ACTIVE_SIGNINS’: ‘Active sign-ins’, ‘ACTIVE_SESSIONS_INFO’: ‘These are sessions from devices and browsers that are successfully signed into your account. You can sign out of any session you don’t recognize or that’s from a public computer.’, ‘ACTIVE_SESSIONS_LOCATION_COMPLETE’: ‘Near {CITY}, {STATE}, {COUNTRY}’, ‘ACTIVE_SESSIONS_LOCATION_NO_CITY’: ‘Near {STATE}, {COUNTRY}’, ‘ACTIVE_SESSIONS_LOCATION_NO_STATE’: ‘Near {CITY}, {COUNTRY}’, ‘ACTIVE_SESSIONS_LOCATION_ONLY_COUNTRY’: ‘Near {COUNTRY}’, ‘ACTIVE_NOW’: ‘Active Now’, ‘ACTIVE_X_MINS_AGO’: ‘Active {MINS} mins ago’, ‘ACTIVE_X_HOURS_AGO’: ‘Active {HOURS} hours ago’, ‘ACTIVE_X_DAYS_AGO’: ‘Active {DAYS} days ago’, ‘MANAGE_ALL_SESSIONS’: ‘Manage all sessions’, ‘THIS_DEVICE’: ‘This Device’, ‘GET_ACTIVE_SESSIONS_ERROR’: ‘Error retrieving active sessions for this account. Please try again later.’, ‘INVALID_METHOD_USE_BACKUP_OR_CONTACT_SUPPORT’: ‘This number is no longer a valid format for your country. Please try a backup method if you have one or contact support.’, ‘GOOGLE’: ‘Google’, ‘CONTINUE_WITH_GOOGLE’: ‘Continue with Google’, ‘USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST’: ‘This username does not exist in our system.’, ‘EMAIL_DOES_NOT_EXIST’: ‘This email does not exist in our system.’, ‘ACTIVITY_HEADING’: ‘Activity’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_SUBTITLE’: ‘This feature provides information about the latest activity on this account that affects your account security or your products.’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_GET_EVENTS_ERROR’: ‘Error retrieving activity for this account. Please try again later.’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_UPDATED_CREDENTIAL’: ‘Updated {CREDENTIAL}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST’: ‘Password Reset request – {SENT_TO}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_ADD_2SV’: ‘2SV enabled: {DETAILS}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_REMOVE_2SV’: ‘2SV removed: {DETAILS}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_2SV_FIELD’: ‘2SV {FIELD} updated: {DETAILS}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_2SV_LOGIN’: ‘2SV on login: {UPDATE}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_FACTOR_LOGIN’: ‘Successful sign in with {DEVICE}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_SOCIAL_CONNECT’: ‘{SOCIAL_SITE} connected to website’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_REMOVE_SOCIAL_CONNECT’: ‘{SOCIAL_SITE} removed from website’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_SOCIAL_CONNECT_CREATE_UNIQUE’: ‘Created account through {SOCIAL_SITE}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_SUCCESSFUL_2SV_LOGIN’: ‘Successful 2SV: {FACTOR_TYPE}’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_ADD_SOCIAL_LOGIN’: ‘{SOCIAL_SITE} connected to login methods’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_REMOVE_SOCIAL_LOGIN’: ‘{SOCIAL_SITE} removed from login methods’, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_CREATE_ACCOUNT’: “Your account was created! We’re glad you joined {BRAND}”, ‘ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_SUCCESSFUL_ONE_TIME_CODE’: ‘Successful one-time code validation: {TAC_METHOD}’, ‘US’: ‘us’, ‘SHOW_DETAILS’: ‘Show details’, ‘VIEW_ALL_ACTIVITY’: ‘View all activity’, ‘GET_ACCOUNT_ACTIVITY_ERROR’: ‘Error retrieving account activity for this account. Please try again later.’, ‘SUCCESSFUL_FACTOR_INPUT’: ‘Successful {FACTOR} Input’, ‘NEED_TO_FIND_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD’: ‘Need to find {YOUR_USERNAME} or {YOUR_PASSWORD}?’, ‘NEED_TO_FIND_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_OR_RESEND_THE_ACTIVATION_LINK’: ‘Need to find {YOUR_USERNAME}, reset {YOUR_PASSWORD} or resend the {ACTIVATION_LINK}?’, ‘NEED_TO_FIND_PASSWORD’: ‘Need to find {YOUR_PASSWORD}?’, ‘YOUR_USERNAME’: ‘your username’, ‘YOUR_PASSWORD’: ‘your password’, ‘ACTIVATION_LINK’: ‘activation link’, ‘SMS_WITH_NAME’: ‘SMS {0}’, ‘APP_WITH_NAME’: ‘App {0}’, ‘SECURITY_KEY_WITH_NAME’: ‘Security key {0}’, ‘SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_TITLE’: ‘Secure Your Account’, ‘YOU_ARE_SIGNED_IN_MESSAGE’: ‘You are signed in.’, ‘REVIEW_SECURITY_INFO’: “Let’s review your security information.”, ‘NOT_ENABLED’: ‘Not Enabled’, ‘CONTINUE_TO_YOUR_ACCOUNT’: ‘Continue to your account’, ‘SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_INFO’: ‘Your recovery email information is used for validating who you are when you call in for support and to allow you to back into your account if you get locked out.’, ‘RETURN_TO_OVERVIEW’: ‘Return to Overview’, ‘ACCOUNT_EMAIL’: ‘Account Email’, ‘SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_EDIT_EMAIL_INFO’: “Please enter the email you’d like to use to recover your account details.”, ‘SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_2FA_ADD_SUBTITLE’: “2-step verification adds an extra security layer to your account. So even if someone knows your password, they can’t sign in without access to your verification device.”, ‘LAST_UPDATED_X_AGO’: ‘Last updated {0}’, ‘ENTER_CONFIRMATION_CODE’: ‘Enter your confirmation code’, ‘TAC_COLLECTION_EXPLANATION’: ‘To keep your account safe, we need to be sure it was you who just tried to sign in.’, ‘CODE_SENT_TO_EMAIL’: ‘We emailed a one-time code to: {EMAIL_ADDRESS}’, ‘SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_SUBTITLE’: ‘A strong password is the first step to a secure GoDaddy account. Strong passwords should be long, easy for you to remember, and grammatically obtuse.’, ‘CODE_SENT_TO_PHONE’: ‘We sent a text with a one-time code to: {PHONE_NUMBER}’, ‘HOW_DO_YOU_WANT_TO_RECEIVE_TAC_ON_LOGIN_CODE’: ‘How do you want to receive your one-time code?’, ‘EMAIL_CONTACT’: ‘Email: {CONTACT_INFO}’, ‘PHONE_CONTACT’: ‘SMS text: {CONTACT_INFO}’, ‘TERMS_OF_SERVICE’: ‘Terms of Service’, ‘RECOMMENDED’: ‘(Recommended)’, ‘BREACH_PASSWORD_ALERT’: ‘This password is commonly used. Any accounts where you use this password are at a greater risk.’, ‘DANGER_YOUR_PASSWORD_IS_WEAK’: “Right now, your password is weak.”, ‘PASSWORD_LAST_UPDATED’: ‘Your password was last updated {LAST_UPDATED_TIME}.’, ‘DANGER_COMMONLY_USED_LAST_UPDATED’: “It is commonly used and was last updated {LAST_UPDATED_TIME}.”, ‘LEARN_MORE_STRONG_PASSWORDS’: ‘Learn more about strong passwords.’, ‘DELETE_DELEGATION_PENDING_INVITE_MESSAGE’: ‘Are you sure you want to cancel this invite?’, ‘DELETE_DELEGATION_PENDING_REQUEST_MESSAGE’: ‘Are you sure you want to cancel this request?’, ‘YES_CANCEL_IT’: ‘Yes, cancel it’, ‘GO_BACK’: ‘Go Back’, ‘SUCESSFUL_PENDING_INVITE_REMOVAL’: ‘Sucessfully cancelled pending invite.’, ‘SUCESSFUL_PENDING_REQUEST_REMOVAL’: ‘Sucessfully cancelled pending request.’, ‘UNUSUAL_BROWSER’: ‘Your browser is a bit unusual…’, ‘UNUSUAL_BROWSER_SUGGESTIONS’: ‘Try disabling ad blockers and other extensions, enabling javascript, or using a different web browser.’, ‘OKAY’: ‘Okay’, ‘ACCOUNT_WITH_THIS_EMAIL_EXISTS’: ‘An Account With This Email Exists’, ‘MESSAGE_FOR_MODAL_IF_EMAIL_EXISTS’: ‘There is an account that already uses this email as their username. You can reset your password to recover that account, try to sign in if you know your credentials, or cancel and use a different email.’, ‘MESSAGE_FOR_MODAL_IF_EMAIL_EXISTS_SHORT’: ‘An existing account already uses this email as their username. What would you like to do next?’, ‘RESET_YOUR_PASSWORD’: ‘Reset your password’, ‘RESET_MY_PASSWORD’: ‘Reset my password’, ‘GO_TO_SIGN_IN’: ‘Go to Sign In’, ‘HAVING_TROUBLE_SIGNING_IN’: ‘Having trouble signing in?’, ‘WELCOME_BACK’: ‘Welcome back!’, ‘USE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TO_SIGN_IN’: ‘It looks like you use {0} to sign in.’, ‘NEED_TO’: ‘Need to’, ‘SIGN_IN_A_DIFFERENT_WAY’: ‘Sign in a different way’, ‘EMAIL_ME_LINK_TO_SIGN_IN’: ‘Email me link to sign in’, ‘ONE_TIME_SIGN_IN’: ‘One Time Sign In’, ‘SEND_INSTRUCTIONS_TO_EMAIL’: ‘We emailed instructions to {EMAIL_ADDRESS}. Please follow the instructions in that email.’, ‘DID_NOT_SEE_AN_EMAIL’: “Didn’t see an email?”, ‘CHECK_IS_USERNAME_CORRECT’: ‘Check if your username is correct.’, ‘CHECK_IS_EMAIL_CORRECT’: ‘Check if your email is correct.’, ‘SIGN_UP_WITH’: ‘Sign up with {APP}’, ‘BACK_TO_PREVIOUS_STEP’: ‘Back to previous step.’, ‘WE_SENT_YOU_A_CODE’: ‘We sent you a code’, ‘EMAIL_ME_LINK_INSTEAD’: ‘Email me a link to sign in instead’, ‘DONT_SEE_EMAIL’: “Don’t see an email?”, ‘LINK_EXPIRED’: ‘This link has been expired’, ‘MESSAGE_FOR SUCCESS_MAGIC_LINK’: ‘This link has either been used or over 30 minutes have passed. You may click the button below to send a new link to your email.’, ‘RESEND_MAGIC_LINK’: ‘Resend link to this account’, ‘NEED_TO_GO_BACK’: ‘Need to go back?’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_PASSWORD_RESET’: ‘{acquired_brand} is now part of {new_brand}, so things might look a little different around here.’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_SIGN_IN’: “{acquired_brand} is now part of {new_brand}, so things might look a little different around here. Sign in and we’ll handle the rest.”, ‘WEVE_UPDATED_TERMS’: ‘We’ve updated our terms’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_MOVING_NEW_HOME’: “Now that {acquired_brand} is a part of {new_brand}, we’re moving into our new home and taking you with us.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_MOVING_NEW_HOME_RESELLER’: ‘Now that {acquired_brand} is a part of {new_brand}, {acquired_brand} is moving into our new home and taking you with us.’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY’: “All you need to do is accept {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy}. After that, you can continue using {acquired_brand} as usual. Make sure to do this within {deadline} or you may lose access to your account.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY_CONTINUE_NEW_BRAND’: “All you need to do is accept {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy}. After that, you can continue using your new {new_brand} account. Make sure to do this within {deadline} or you may lose access to your account.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY_RESELLER’: ‘All you need to do is accept our new {terms_and_conditions}. After that, you can continue using {acquired_brand} as usual. Make sure to do this within {deadline} or you may lose access to your account.’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY_WITHOUT_DEADLINE’: “All you need to do is accept {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy}. After that, you can continue using {acquired_brand} as usual.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY_WITHOUT_DEADLINE_RESELLER’: ‘All you need to do is accept our new {terms_and_conditions}. After that, you can continue using {acquired_brand} as usual.’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY_WITHOUT_DEADLINE_CONTINUE_NEW_BRAND’: “All you need to do is accept {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy}. After that, you can continue using your new {new_brand} account.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_ACCEPT_NEW_TNC_PRIVACY_POLICY_AND_DOMAIN_REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT_WITHOUT_DEADLINE_CONTINUE_NEW_BRAND’: “All you need to do is accept {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions}, {privacy_policy}, and {domain_registration_agreement}. After that, you can continue using your new {new_brand} account.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_DISAPPOINTED_MOVER’: “If you’re not a fan of moving (there’s no packing involved) and don’t want to keep using {acquired_brand}, reach out to us.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_RESELLER_CREATE_LEGAL_AGREEMENT’: “By creating an account, you agree to {business_name}’s {terms_and_conditions}”, ‘ACCEPT_TERMS_NOW’: ‘Accept Terms Now’, ‘ACCEPT_TERMS_LEGAL_AGREEMENT’: ‘By clicking “Accept Terms Now”, you agree to {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions} and {privacy_policy}’, ‘ACCEPT_TERMS_LEGAL_AGREEMENT_WITH_DOMAIN_REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT’: ‘By clicking “Accept Terms Now”, you agree to {new_brand}’s {terms_and_conditions}, {privacy_policy}, and {domain_registration_agreement}.’, ‘NEXT_TIME’: ‘Do It Next Time’, ‘NEXT_TIME_WITH_DEADLINE’: ‘Do It Next Time ({deadline} left)’, ‘CREATE_NEW_ACCOUNT’: ‘Create new account’, ‘LINK_ACCOUNT’: ‘Link Account’, ‘SETUP_NEW_BRAND_ACCOUNT’: ‘Set up a {new_brand} account’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_MOVING_FAMILIAR_EMAIL’: “Now that we’re part of {new_brand}, we’re moving into our new home and taking you with us. From your email address, it looks like you might already have an account with {new_brand}.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_FAMILIAR_EMAIL_LINK_OR_CREATE’: “If you do, link your {new_brand} account to your {acquired_brand} account to keep things simple. If not, go ahead and create a new {new_brand} account. Either way, you’ll still sign in and use {acquired_brand} as usual.”, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_DEADLINE_REMINDER’: ‘Make sure to do this within {deadline} or you may lose access to your {acquired_brand} account.’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_SETUP_NOW_AVOID_INTERRUPTION’: “By setting up a {new_brand} account now, you’re avoiding interruptions to your {acquired_brand} service later.”, ‘LETS_GET_YOU_SET_UP’: ‘Let’s get you set up’, ‘MIGRATING_BRAND_RESELLER_SETUP’: “Now that {acquired_brand} is part of GoDaddy, let’s get you set up with a username. Don’t worry, you’ll still use {acquired_brand} the way you always have, but you’ll sign in using the new username you create here.”, ‘CREATE_NEW_BRAND_ACCOUNT’: ‘Create a {new_brand} account’, ‘LETS_LINK_YOUR_ACCOUNT’: ‘Let’s link your account’, ‘ENTER_CREDENTIALS_TO_LINK’: “Enter your {new_brand} credentials to sign in, and we’ll take care of linking your {acquired_brand} and {new_brand} accounts so you’ll have everything in one spot.”, ‘DAY’: ‘day’, ‘DAYS’: ‘days’, ‘ONE_DAY’: ‘1 day’, ‘X_DAYS’: ‘{number} days’, ‘IFRAME_LOGIN_TITLE’: ‘Container for sign in’, ‘IFRAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT_TITLE’: ‘Container for create account’, ‘THIS_USERNAME_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE’: ‘This username is already in use.’, ‘THIS_EMAIL_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE’: ‘This email is already in use.’, ‘USERNAME/EMAIL’: ‘Username/Email’, ‘ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED’: ‘The {new_brand} account you are trying to use is already linked to a {acquired_brand} account. You must link a different {new_brand} account or create a new one.’, ‘CREATE_NEW_ACCOUNT_WITH_NEW_USERNAME’: ‘Create a new account with a new username’, ‘LINK_EXPIRED_NEW’: ‘This link has expired’, ‘MESSAGE_FOR SUCCESS_MAGIC_LINK_NEW’: “The link has either been used or more than 30 minutes have passed. Click the button below and we’ll email you a new link.”, ‘SIGN_UP_CONTINUE_WITH_SOCIAL’: ‘Continue with {app_or_email}’, ‘ARIA_FIND_YOUR_USERNAME’: ‘find your username’, ‘ARIA_FIND_YOUR_PASSWORD’: ‘find your password’, ‘ADD_BACKUP_2_STEP_VERIFICATION’: ‘Add backup 2-step verification’, ‘REMIND_ME_LATER’: ‘Remind me later’, ‘ACCEPT_THE_RISK’: ‘Accept the risk’, ‘RISK’: ‘risk’, ‘FIRST_NAME’: ‘First name’, ‘LAST_NAME’: ‘Last name’, ‘MOBILE_PHONE’: ‘Mobile phone’, ‘SIGN_IN_WITHOUT_PASSWORD’: ‘Sign in without a password’, ‘WE_SENT_A_LINK’: ‘Your link is on its way.’, ‘RESEND_THE_EMAIL’: ‘Resend the email’, ‘SENDING’: ‘Sending…’, ‘EMAIL_ME_SECURE_CODE’: ‘Email me a secure code’, ‘SIGNING_YOU_IN’: ‘Signing you in…’, ‘SENT’: ‘Sent!’, ‘RESEND_LIMIT’: ‘Resend limit reached.’, ‘WE_SENT_A_CODE’: ‘Your code is on its way.’, ‘SENT_6_DIGIT_CODE’: ‘Check your email, {EMAIL_ADDRESS}. Your special 6-digit sign in code will arrive shortly. Enter the code in below.’, ‘CANT_FIND_EMAIL’: ‘Can’t find the email?’, ‘RESEND_EMAIL’: ‘Resend email’, ‘INVALID_CODE’: ‘Invalid code’, ‘EMAILED_INSTRUCTIONS_FOLLOW_THEM’: ‘Check your email, {EMAIL_ADDRESS}. Then click on the special link and you’ll be all set to sign in.’, ‘INVALID_MAGICLINK_CODE’: ‘Yikes! Something went wrong. Please, try again later.’, ‘CHOOSE_ACCOUNT’: ‘Choose Account’, ‘CHOOSE_WHICH_ACCOUNT_WANT_TO_SUCCESS’: ‘Select which account you want to access’, ‘FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD’: ‘Forgot your password?’, ‘EMAIL_LOGIN_FAILURE_SHOW_RESET_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect email or password. Please try again or try {RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD}.’, ‘CANT_REMEMBER_YOUR_USERNAME’: “Can’t remember your username?”, ‘EMAIL_LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_SHOPPERS’: ‘There’s more than one account with this email. Please use your Username or Customer # to log in.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_USERNAME_SHOW_RESET_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again or try {RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD}.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect username or password. Please try again.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_EMAIL_SHOW_RESET_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect email or password. Please try again or try {RESETTING_YOUR_PASSWORD}.’, ‘LOGIN_FAILURE_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD’: ‘You entered an incorrect email or password. Please try again.’, ‘COBRAND_HEADER_DEFAULT’: ‘{COBRAND_DIPSPLAY_NAME} is now part of {BRAND_DISPLAY_NAME}’, ‘COBRAND_TEXT_DEFAULT’: ‘Please sign in using your {COBRAND_DIPSPLAY_NAME} account information. You’ll be able to access your {COBRAND_DIPSPLAY_NAME} products and services, now with {BRAND_DISPLAY_NAME}.’, ‘COBRAND_LINK_LABEL_DEFAULT’: ‘Read the press release’, ‘LOGIN_WELCOME’: ‘Your {COBRAND_DISPLAY_NAME} credentials will be used from now on to sign you in to {BRAND_DISPLAY_NAME}’, ‘SMS_SEND_REQUEST_BLOCKED’: “We’re sorry, but this phone number cannot be used. Please use a different number, or reach out to {SUPPORT}.”, ‘SUPPORT’: ‘support’, ‘INVALID_USERNAME’: ‘Alphanumeric characters only.’, ‘LETS_SECURE_YOUR_ACCOUNT’: ‘Let’s secure your account’, ‘VERIFY_YOUR_EMAIL’: ‘Verify your email to ensure you won’t lose access to your account.’, ‘SEND_VERIFICATION_CODE’: ‘Send Verification Code’, ‘YOUR_ACCOUNT_WILL_NOT_BE_CREATED’: ‘Your account will not be created until verification is complete.’, ‘VERIFY_EMAIL_TEXT’: ‘We sent a code to the email address you gave us. Please enter the 6 digit code in that email.’, ‘INCORRECT_EMAIL’: ‘Incorrect email?’, ‘UPDATE_EMAIL’: ‘Update email’} ; window.sso.realm = “pass”; window.sso.consent_show_button = undefined ; window.sso.consent_show_checkbox = undefined ; window.sso.iframe = false ; window.sso.agent_theme_prop = undefined ; window.sso.days_left = undefined ; window.sso.autofill_username = “” ; window.sso.autofill_email = “” ; window.sso.get_client_files = function(chunk) { return “https://img6.wsimg.com/auth-assets/aba2676e8d55bfe042717ff849531c4992c426ba/” + chunk; }; window.sso.init_data = {“forgot_username_url”: “https://sso.secureserver.net/v1/account/retrieve?app=email&realm=pass&path=/webmail.php”, “forgot_password_url”: “https://sso.secureserver.net/v1/account/reset?app=email&realm=pass&path=/webmail.php”, “create_account_url”: null, “resend_activation_url”: “”, “is_china”: false, “enable_apple”: true} ; ]]>

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