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[Webinar Recording] Aging in Place with Parkinson’s with Carol Chiang, OT

[Webinar Recording] Aging in Place with Parkinson’s with Carol Chiang, OT – Davis Phinney Basis 0)); window.gemSettings.isTouch = isTouchDevice(); operate userAgentDetection() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), UA = ua.match(/(opera|ie|firefox|chrome|model)[s/:]([wd.]+)?.*?(safari|model[s/:]([wd.]+)|$)/) || [null, ‘unknown’, 0], mode = UA[1] == ‘ie’ && doc.documentMode; window.gemBrowser = { identify: (UA[1] == ‘model’) ? UA[3] : UA[1], model: UA[2], platform: android)/) }; } window.updateGemClientSize = operate() { if (window.gemOptions == null || window.gemOptions == undefined) { window.gemOptions = { first: false, clientWidth: 0, clientHeight: 0, innerWidth: -1 }; } window.gemOptions.clientWidth = window.innerWidth || doc.documentElement.clientWidth; if (doc.physique != null && !window.gemOptions.clientWidth) { window.gemOptions.clientWidth = doc.physique.clientWidth; } window.gemOptions.clientHeight = window.innerHeight || doc.documentElement.clientHeight; if (doc.physique != null && !window.gemOptions.clientHeight) { window.gemOptions.clientHeight = doc.physique.clientHeight; } }; window.updateGemInnerSize = operate(width) { window.gemOptions.innerWidth = width != undefined ? width : (doc.physique != null ? doc.physique.clientWidth : 0); }; userAgentDetection(); window.updateGemClientSize(true); window.gemSettings.lasyDisabled = window.gemSettings.forcedLasyDisabled || (!window.gemSettings.mobileEffectsEnabled && (window.gemSettings.isTouch || window.gemOptions.clientWidth = 9) { window.gemSettings.parallaxDisabled = true; window.gemSettings.fillTopArea = true; } } })(); (operate() { var fullwithData = { web page: null, pageWidth: 0, pageOffset: {}, fixVcRow: true, pagePaddingLeft: 0 }; operate updateFullwidthData() { fullwithData.pageOffset = fullwithData.web page.getBoundingClientRect(); fullwithData.pageWidth = parseFloat(fullwithData.pageOffset.width); fullwithData.pagePaddingLeft = 0; if (fullwithData.web page.className.indexOf(‘vertical-header’) != -1) { fullwithData.pagePaddingLeft = 45; if (fullwithData.pageWidth >= 1600) { fullwithData.pagePaddingLeft = 360; } if (fullwithData.pageWidth < 980) { fullwithData.pagePaddingLeft = 0; } } } function gem_fix_fullwidth_position(element) { if (element == null) { return false; } if (fullwithData.page == null) { fullwithData.page = document.getElementById('page'); updateFullwidthData(); } /*if (fullwithData.pageWidth window.gemOptions.clientHeight) { fullwithData.fixVcRow = false; return false; }*/ if (element.className.indexOf('vc_row') != -1) { var elementMarginLeft = -21; var elementMarginRight = -21; } else { var elementMarginLeft = 0; var elementMarginRight = 0; } var offset = parseInt(fullwithData.pageOffset.left + 0.5) - parseInt((elementParentViewportOffset.left padding && (padding = 0); var paddingRight = fullwithData.pageWidth - padding - el_full.offsetWidth + elementMarginLeft + elementMarginRight; 0 > paddingRight && (paddingRight = 0); component.type.paddingLeft = padding + ‘px’; component.type.paddingRight = paddingRight + ‘px’; } } window.gem_fix_fullwidth_position = gem_fix_fullwidth_position; doc.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, operate() { var courses = []; if (window.gemSettings.isTouch) { doc.physique.classList.add(‘thegem-touch’); } if (window.gemSettings.lasyDisabled && !window.gemSettings.forcedLasyDisabled) { doc.physique.classList.add(‘thegem-effects-disabled’); } }); if (window.gemSettings.parallaxDisabled) { var head = doc.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0], hyperlink = doc.createElement(‘type’); hyperlink.rel = ‘stylesheet’; hyperlink.kind = ‘textual content/css’; hyperlink.innerHTML = “.fullwidth-block.fullwidth-block-parallax-fixed .fullwidth-block-background { background-attachment: scroll !essential; }”; head.appendChild(hyperlink); } })(); (operate() { setTimeout(operate() { var preloader = doc.getElementById(‘page-preloader’); if (preloader != null && preloader != undefined) { preloader.className += ‘ preloader-loaded’; } }, window.pagePreloaderHideTime || 1000); })(); ]]> We use cookies to make sure that we provide the finest expertise on our web site. By persevering with to make use of this web site, you conform to our use of cookies. Privateness coverageSettle forDecline

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